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Operational optimization

Here we outline various energy-saving strategies for the home and how best to set electronic devices. Proper setting and maintenance of the heating system alone could save 5–10 percent on energy.

What can you do?

Optimizing operations in a residential building involves correctly setting the following: 

  • Heating: setting heating curve, circulation pumps, operating times, etc. 
  • Hot water: max. 60 ° C, optimized circulation system, etc. 
  • Lighting: LED lamps, motion detectors, operating times, etc. 
  • Ventilation systems: air volume and operating times. 

Additional information

An energy specialist can check all relevant points within a few hours (depending on the building size) and determine and implement the savings potential – usually in the range of 5-20%. 

The correct setting and maintenance of the heating system alone can save 5–10 percent on energy. 

Other important factors are: proper ventilation, switching off the heat during non-heating season, no objects or curtains directly in front of radiators, and installing and checking thermostatic valves. 

Many private and public owners check their properties every two years for potential improvements or defects and gain the best experience this way. 

Further information and tips can be found in the brochure “Smart Heizen” by EnergieSchweiz. 

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